Systematic and objective monitoring, evaluation, and learning from projects and programs are critical for Pacific developing member countries to achieve their development goals, panelists at a seminar organized by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) said.
Speaking at the event “Supporting Development Projects in Fiji and the Pacific”, ADB Independent Evaluation Department Deputy Director General Sona Shrestha said: “Over the years, support from international finance institutions has expanded steadily in terms of financing and numbers of projects. Translating increased development assistance to the region into better results for the people of the Pacific will require stronger focus on project design, implementation capacity, and early identification and mitigation of risks.”
Pacific countries face unique development challenges and opportunities. Achieving the development aspirations of the region while addressing the key risks will require significant resources and support. Major partners have been scaling up and diversifying their development support. Support from ADB and the World Bank, for example, has expanded in terms of financing, numbers of projects, and modalities. Their Pacific portfolios now exceed $3 billion each. Grant resources from concessional windows such as the Asian Development Fund and International Development Association and from Australia and other bilateral partners have also grown.
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