As Advisor and a member of the IED leadership team, you will (i) provide advice and guidance on a wide range of strategic, policy, and operational matters, including guidance on methods and approaches for complex evaluations; (ii) oversee department management and backroom support including sharing of knowledge and oversight on the planning, development, and monitoring of IED’s operations and resources.
You will:
a. Advisory Support to Director General and Department
• Provide advice, analysis, and decision-making support to the Director General and IED leadership team on matters related to departmental polices, operations, and work program.
• Provide input and advice to evaluation teams on major countries, corporate, thematic, and other high-level evaluations.
• Prepare or provide inputs on internal and external communications, including statements, briefing notes, papers, and presentations for internal and external audiences and events.
• Support the development and update of department internal guidelines, protocols, and strategies including evaluation approaches and methods.
b. Work Program and Budget Management
• Oversee the preparation, processing, and approval by the Board of Directors of the IED rolling three-year Work Program and annual Budget and provide ongoing monitoring and management of these.
• For the work program, manage all planning and consultation processes, drafting, and endorsement and approval processes through the Development Effectiveness Committee, Budget Review Committee, and Board of Directors.
• For the annual budget, serve as IED’s co-focal person for budget, working closely with the Budget, People, and Management Systems Department (BPMSD) and undertake financial analytics to improve resource use and efficiency.
c. Operations Management and Coordination
• Lead and coordinate IED’s human resource, technical assistance (TA), consultant, and staff management functions.
• Serve as IED’s co-focal person for BPMSD and coordinates all human resource management matters in the department.
• Lead the processing and administration of IED’s cluster TA program; supervise and monitors implementation of other TA projects to ensure efficient and timely use of TA resources, achievement of outputs, and appropriate reporting.
• Support consultant management operations for both Staff Consultant budget and TA funded consultants; monitors and reports on IED’s use of consultants.
• Plan and coordinate all departmental staff meetings and major activities, including departmental and leadership retreats and special meetings.
• As needed, supports IED’s ongoing knowledge management related functions
d. Evaluation Quality Control
• Review and provide critical inputs to strengthen quality and rigor of evaluation approaches and methodologies.
• Comment on draft and final versions of corporate, thematic, country, and sector evaluations.
• Undertake reviews and quality control of other departmental or ADB institutional documents.
e. Coordination and Engagement with Board, President, and Management
• Manage IED’s ongoing engagement and work relations with the ADB President, Board of Directors, the Development Effectiveness Committee (DEC), and other relevant board committees.
• Plan and coordinate regular meetings between IED and the President, DEC Chair and Committee, and board members. Ensures timely responses to specific requests from DEC and Board members.
• Monitor ADB’s Board Calendar and coordinate IED’s participation in board meetings and other activities.
• Serve as IED focal person for institutional coordination and engagement across ADB.
• Ensure effective coordination and communication of IED’s operations vis-à-vis ADB management and operations.
Full details on the AsDB website. Application deadline 15 April.