The new framework also sought to put more structure and rigor into the identification of meaningful results indicators. For the first time, IEG will systematically rate the relevance and quality of indicators in the results framework. Results indicators are rated to assess the extent to which they capture the contribution of the prior actions supported by the DPF operations in achieving the program development objectives (PDOs). Beyond assessing the link between the reforms supported by the operation and the objectives of the operation, the assessment will look for clarity with respect to the definition of each results indicator, its method of calculation, and the credibility and availability of the associated data. The latter dimension was included because a conceptually appropriate indicator for which there are no reliable or available data is of little use in monitoring progress toward the achievement of the relevant development objective.
By assessing the results indicators before assessing the achievement of targets, this approach should provide a better basis for assessing the adequacy of the evidence presented for the achievement of objectives (for example, if an outcome target is achieved for an indicator that does not capture the impact of prior actions well, this would not be considered strong evidence of the achievement of a development objective). It is hoped that, over time, this approach will create a feedback loop to help World Bank teams to improve the selection and design of indicators, thereby fostering a greater outcome orientation in DPF operations.