Between 2005 and 2018, World Bank performance in evaluations of DPF operations was defined as the extent to which services provided by the World Bank ensured quality at entry of the operation and supported effective implementation through appropriate supervision. Quality at entry referred to the extent to which the World Bank identified, facilitated the preparation of, and appraised the operation so it was most likely to achieve its planned development outcomes and was consistent with the World Bank’s fiduciary role. The quality of World Bank supervision was the extent to which the World Bank proactively identified and resolved threats to the achievement of the relevant development outcome and carried out its fiduciary role. 

Figure 6.5 illustrates the evolution of ratings of World Bank performance since 2005. The share of operations rated MS+ was relatively stable, averaging about four-fifths of all operations between fiscal years 2005 and 2018. As with overall outcome ratings, there was a deterioration in the share of operations with a satisfactory World Bank performance rating, offset by an increase in the share of operations with World Bank performance rated MS, suggesting a decline in average quality, although that trend has reversed in recent years. 

Source: Independent Evaluation Group.
Note: HS = highly satisfactory; HU = highly unsatisfactory; MS = moderately satisfactory; MU = moderately unsatisfactory; S = satisfactory; U = unsatisfactory.