Over 80% of programmatic PBL series approved between 2005 and 2014 were accompanied by parallel technical cooperation grants. The grants supported policy dialogue, diagnostic work, and compliance with disbursement conditions and averaged $1.3 million per series. While the resources from a PBL go to the country’s Treasury, parallel technical cooperation grants provide direct support for the line ministries in charge of the reforms and can thus help incentivize them to proceed with reform implementation. While PBL programs supported by technical cooperation grants were not found to have deeper conditions than those without such support, OVE found that there was a significant positive relationship between technical cooperation support and the likelihood of a programmatic PBL series being completed, pointing to the importance of sustained dialogue and technical support by IDB to accompany countries’ reform efforts. The presence of technical cooperation grants was neither correlated with a country’s institutional capacity, nor with income per capita. Less frequently (in 15 of the 82 programmatic series), investment loans accompanied programmatic PBL series, with the PBLs either continuing a line of work initiated by previously approved investment loans or preparing the ground for subsequent investment operations.