Table 3.2 lists the 17 evaluations undertaken to date under EU management. Their findings and recommendations are presented in this chapter in three sections, one for each of the three types of budget support provided by the EU. The focus of the evaluations reflects the objectives of the three types of contracts: high-level strategic objectives requiring a cross-cutting approach for SDG-Cs; sector-level policies, reforms and governance for SRPCs; and transition to recovery, development and democratic governance and societal and state resilience for SRBCs. Correspondingly, the evaluations focused on the role of budget support in contributing to: global policy and governance achievements (SDG-Cs); sector or sub-sector outcomes and sector governance improvements (SRPCs); and consolidation of vital state functions, including the delivery of basic services to the population (SRBCs). The evaluations also differed in scope, with SRPC and SRBC evaluations looking, to a large extent, at EU budget support only; whereas SDG-Cs evaluations systematically considered the budget support being provided by all development partners to the country. SRBCs need to be examined separately from the other type of general budget support (SGC-Cs) because of the particularities of the countries and type of support provided. 

The next three sections present evaluation findings related to SDG-Cs, SRPCs, and SRBC evaluation findings. A last section presents an overview of the main recommendations made across all 17 evaluations.