The evaluation was based on seventeen background reports, as well as on a series of focus groups and reference group discussions (footnote 72). The evaluation scope covered the 9127
PBOs approved between 2012 and 2017, with a collective approval value of UA7.2 billion.
The evaluation was designed to: (i) identify factors which had enabled or hindered good performance, (ii) draw lessons for AfDB, and (iii) identify specific recommendations to help AfDB to optimize the effective use of the PBO instrument in future. Specifically, the objectives of the evaluation were to provide credible evidence on: (i) how AfDB was programming, designing and managing its PBOs in accordance with the 2012 policy and other elements of good practice;28
(ii) the performance of PBOs in specific areas; (iii) the factors that had enabled or hindered achievement of PBO objectives; and (iv) lessons that could inform AfDB’s future use of PBOs to ensure consistent good practice and to support achievement of the High 5s.
The evaluation addressed three overarching questions.
These three questions were broken down into eight sub-questions, addressed through over 40 criteria.
- 27
Sixty of these relate to programmatic operations, where two or three separate operations together are considered a series, but each phase in the series is approved as an individual operation. The number of single PBOs plus PBO series is 51. - 28
There are various sources of advice on “good practice.” The most relevant for AfDB is OECD-DAC. 2006. Harmonising Donor Practices for Effective Aid Delivery. Volume II. Paris: OECD, which laid out a set of principles for the provision of budget support consistent with the 2005 Paris Declaration.
(i) To what extent is AfDB appropriately programming, designing, and managing its PBOs?
(ii) What is the evidence regarding PBO performance, particularly for AfDB in the priority areas of energy and the private sector environment (PSE)?
(iii) Looking forward, how can AfDB ensure it optimizes its use of PBOs, including helping it to achieve the High 5s?