What you’ll do:
- Undertake and Lead Evaluations: design and lead, or support as senior team member, complex evaluations on topics related to the development effectiveness of IDB and IDB Invest programs and operations, as well as corporate issues.
- Support IDB Group's Self-Evaluation System: support the development of a strong self-evaluation system notably by reviewing and validating management self-evaluations of public and private sector operations.
- Contribute to Outreach: interact with and build relationships with IDB and IDB Invest operational staff, clients, academic and research institutions, evaluation offices in partner institutions, and other relevant stakeholders to further knowledge sharing and the development of evaluation capacity.
- Support to OVE’s Mission: contribute to other activities aimed at furthering OVE’s mission and to improve the quality of its work, notably by providing technical or methodological advice; participating in peer reviews of draft evaluations; providing guidance to and mentoring junior of OVE employees staff, research fellows and consultants; leading or contributing to the development of other evaluation products; and actively participating in ad hoc working groups and other OVE initiatives.
Full details available on the IADB website. Application deadline 23rd June.