Illuminati,illuminati,illuminati.+2347068062534.You have to read first of all in other to know your part and what you have to do and at the same time also to know your own category and character because this information will help you a lot ....first of all I will like to welcome you all who are interested to join our rich society which you all known to be called the illuminati, and can also be called the freemasonry ,as you all know we are welcoming new members from different part of the world there by also helping the poor,we create things out of the ordinary,and bring them into existence to show how perfect we are in our scientific approach,definitely you all know that money is not our problem, that is why you all are trying all your effort in order to make sure you become our member no matter what it cost.,these are things you must know about the illuminati(1) the illuminati does not take money from you to become a member,(2) you don't have to kill any human to become a member,(3)there is no grand master out here in any part of the world that will pick a cell phone and start telling you he is the grand master of the illuminati,because the illuminatis only have one leader and he dose not talk out to the un seen,(4)you must be 20 year above before you can be accepted to join,and (5)you must not be an unfair individual you must be decent because your activities are being ordered by the brotherhood,and I want to tell you that if you have been trying to join the illuminati rich society and have been paying money to people who call them selves agents,am sorry to say that you have been making the wrong decision back then because there is no illuminati agent or administrator in Nigeria,as a Nigerian I have based in the UK for so long now and once again as a big fan of the brotherhood am announcing to you that we have just issued the first and only administrator that is now in Nigeria and that is the person of Mr cretain,he is now in Nigeria to register as much members he can into the illumintati brotherhood,so am just telling you this for you to know that there is no other agent in nigeria apart from the person of Mr cretain, serious people only,if you are really sure that you are fully ready to join our illuminati brotherhood,you can contact him via +2347068062534,or email him via,and one thing I want you guys to know is that you people should not approach him roughly,what I am trying to say is that he is not that used to the nigerians way of life so you have to be friendly when dealing with him once again his number is +2347068062534,much benefits and goodies are awaiting new members as the brotherhood is looking forward to expand the society...make sure you take the right step to what you deserve,hope to see you there have a nice day my friends